Hello and Welcome.
My name is Chas, I am the Editor/Publisher for this site. One of my passions in life has been bowling.
I have had many bowlers much better than me try to coach and give me their best tips and ideas on how to become a better bowler. I hope to share what I learned, and continue to learn about improving my game.
I am an amateur bowler, not a pro by any means. So, my intent is to present the methods I have learned through research and practice that may help you improve your game as well.
When I am not tinkering and improving this site, I enjoy family as much as possible along with riding motorcycles, traveling, hiking, and of course tweaking my bowling game and equipment. Once in awhile I just sit, enjoying some peace and quiet, and maybe a glass of wine.
I enjoy sharing what I have learned about bowling and reading the comments I receive. After bowling for the past 30 years, I know a hook works much better than a straight ball. I sometimes wish I could bowl two-handed, it definitely increases your rev rate! But, I am a bit too old to change my style that drastically.
Anyway, my goal is to share some tips I have learned about the game along the way, and offer some things I have found to be useful. And at the end of the day, maybe I can help your game and make it more enjoyable for you.
Thanks for taking the time to read what I have to say, and I hope you find my site enjoyable, and useful.
If you find any products here that you may enjoy I appreciate the purchase to help cover costs of this site. Some are affiliate products which I might receive a small commission, at no additional cost to you.
I try to tell you about products which I may or may not have used, and do try to endorse products I believe are good quality products. Any defects will be the responsibility of the manufacturers of those products. Thank You.
Please feel free to leave a comment, and let me know what is on your mind. I appreciate your support.
Thank You,