Bowling Vs Gym Workouts: Which Is Better For Physical Fitness?

Bowling Vs Gym Workouts - Split Image of Bowlers on One half and A Man Working out on a Gym Machine.

Bowling Vs Gym Workouts. When you think of improving physical fitness, images of treadmills, weights, and the gym might first come to mind. But what about bowling? Yes, you heard that right. I’m going to show you that fitness isn’t just relegated to the confines of gym walls. It extends to recreational activities like bowling … Read more

Strength Training For Bowling – What You Can Do Now!

Strength Training For Bowling - Image Of A Bowling Lane illuminated in Blue light

Ever considered Strength Training for Bowling? I’ve often seen the surprise on people’s faces when I say strength training and bowling go hand in hand. It’s true that bowling seems more about skill, timing, and precision. But underpinning these is a foundation of physical strength that many overlook. Years of experience have led me to … Read more

Suffer Knee Pain From Bowling – Get Help Now!


Knee pain from bowling is something that is fairly common in bowling. Many times it is the slide foot knee that becomes the most painful from bowling. And it is for a good reason. Some bowlers generate a lot of speed with their footwork and slide to an abrupt stop just inches short of the … Read more

Bowling With Middle Finger Pain – Get Relief Now!

Image of a Hand For bowling with Middle Finger Pain.

I have been bowling with middle finger pain for some time now. In my youth, I injured my finger while at work. Now that I am older, arthritis is making the bowling middle finger joint pain worse. This became even more apparent recently, when I quit bowling for the summer months.  A few weeks before … Read more

Painful Shoulder Injuries From Bowling Too Much? Try This Now!

Image of man with his hand grabbing his red irritated Shoulder for Shoulder Injuries From Bowling Too Much

 Shoulder injuries from bowling become more frequent as we get older.  Bowlers feel that nagging little pain and all to often continue to bowl. They ignore the warning signs and go beyond the point when they should rest and let the shoulder heal. The arm tendons that form the rotor cuff in the upper arm … Read more

Ankle Braces For Bowling – Get Relief Now!

Ankle Braces For Bowling - Picture of girl twisting her ankle

Determining the best ankle braces for bowling becomes a critical priority in your life when you have a problem with your ankles or feet. One of my toughest challenges was after I sprained an ankle last year. I took a brief rest to let the ankle heal some, and when I returned I found I … Read more